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Writer's picture: mjanemjane

While maturing into a young woman these girls will have a difficult time, they will have plenty of pressure on their backs. Deciding what you aspire to be, choosing your friends wisely, choosing your mate, passing classes, choosing a college, family issues, so on and so forth. There are so many mistakes to be made and so many lessons to learn. We all used to rush and wish we were older so we could be able to stay out late, to dress how we wanted, to live a certain life we THOUGHT we wanted at that time and if you ask any of us now we would all respond and tell you not to rush your life or your age. Rushing your life will not make it any better than it is already, you'll still have to face and deal with trials and tribulations, only these will be much greater and have much more meaning. I would advise any young woman to never rush their teen years, those are some of the most precious years that you can not get back.

Young women these days do not have the greatest influential idols like the early 90's babies had. We had such soulful women leading and fighting a great fight to pave the way for women to be appreciated, loved, noticed, wealthy, and intelligent. We looked up to women like Lauryn Hill, Erykah Badu, Sade, Monica, many more that I can name. We didn't watch half naked or naked women in videos on the internet shaking their asses and posting pictures for likes and popularity. Social media has become a popularity outlet for women to be in competition with one another whether they notice or admit it. I am not saying that every female is wrapped up in the rapid growth of the nudity and popularity contest that the social media offers but the need for attention has become so many peoples scapegoat from real life problems and situations. Attention from people who do not care to know your personal life, that judge you as soon as you give them the opportunity, or care to know you physically, emotionally, and spiritually will ruin your ego. Instagram can and will ruin your self esteem if you let it and most young women do. Worrying about how many followers and likes you have has become the daily routine of most of these empty minds and souls. Social media has become so manipulative into making you think you have to live a certain lifestyle or posses a certain body type, which you do not. It has sucked the joy and happiness people desire and used it against them to make them think what they see is how they must live. Do not fall victim to social media's gaping black hole. People are not entitled to knowing every important or insignificant event or situation that may take place in your life.

Sex is another thing people like to update the world on, I mean it is just a three letter word. Nothing more, nothing less, right? It is treated as such. Sex is one of the most phenomenal competitions today, I mean that is what is happening, it's being used as a tool these days. I think what young women see constantly scrolling down their timelines and the conversations they have with the opposite sex, mainly the ones that these young women are attracted too, will make you rush into things. Thinking sex marks you a spot on a popularity scale is the wrong idea. Having sex with multiple boys or men will only have you being known for having sex. I understand, and I am speaking for us older women who have been through some situations, that we as women should be able to do things as we please without it being a double standard but we do need to set ground rules with ourselves before we go ahead and try to tell someone else how to treat us. We have to treat ourselves a certain way too. How you act will be the exact way people will treat you and once you open those doors do not be upset when you want change and that person will not give it to you.

-- This can go for any kind sexual relationship or relationship in general --

Falling under peer pressure will have you doing things you would have never thought you would do. Do not let other people think for you because they will not be the ones reaping those consequences, it will be you. Whatever mistakes you make throughout your adolescent years be sure to wear your mistakes well and learn from them as you grow and mature. Do not let someone diminish you for the things you have chosen to do, you've already beaten yourself up, there is no need to let someone else do more damage. People will talk, they will talk until the day that you die. People will show you their true colors, friendships will end, new ones will blossom, lessons will be learned because their will be mistakes made. Everyone and everything is not who or what you expect them to be. Make smart choices, learn from your setbacks, and continue to be great.

The most difficult part of growing up will be finding and knowing yourself, and staying true to yourself. You will not ever stop learning new things about yourself, ever. Self-discipline is one of the most important traits we may possess. Once you learn self-discipline you'll be able to maneuver different.

If you are a young woman and you are facing some struggles in your life, step out of your circle and look in, is that really where you belong? Are those really the choices you want or wanted to make? Choose to be different when there are so many young girls trying to be the same.

If you know anyone who is growing up to be "fast" and doing things they should not be apart of, sit down and have a conversation with them. Let them know that every action has a consequence. Tell them that they are not the only ones who will face or have faced these traumas. Tell them that you are someone they can come to and you will listen. We all need someone who will listen.


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