Take a few minutes, grab pen and paper, and write down the flaws you have. Acknowledging our flaws is something that we all have trouble doing. We ALL have them and some of show them now more than ever but we still don't like to face them. Embrace them! We all pick at one another about the mishaps that we have sometimes without even knowing we are doing so. Instead of telling someone else about their flaws and how they should fix them, you should be more concerned with how you can fix your flaws. Once you become aware of your flaws and fix them you will ultimately be changing yourself for the better. You start to grow in a different way, a way you probably would've never thought you could. Facing your flaws can be one of the most intimidating things you can do. Why? As humans we tend to put off situations that can be hard to face. Not necessarily because we are afraid of the situation but we are more afraid of the emotion and change that may occur during and after. It is very normal to react to situations as such but at some point we have to "put on our big boy/girl pants" and face it head on. Not for someone else but because you wanted to. I am not only speaking for myself but I am speaking for us all that want to change a characteristic about ourselves but don't know where to start! You can want to accomplish a small flaw like waking up late during the day or not eating after a certain time. It could literally be anything. It doesn't matter what the flaw is, how big or small, or how much it affects you because anything can. what matters is if you accomplish fixing that flaw! Every small accomplishment leads to another. If you fix one thing you'll get better at fixing more, right? Be You! Be FlawLESS!
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