For some women it isn't easy to admit that once in a while you may become jealous of another woman, for whatever reason. Women are often envious or become jealous of another woman because of what she may possess. Sure some women have material items or other goods that another doesn't have but that shouldn't make you feel as if you can't have it. So why become envious? You envy the girl in a relationship, the girl with "good" hair, the girl with the nice body, the one that takes great pictures and receives all of the attention, the girl with the amazing career, and the girl that has everything going for her. We get so tied up in a web of jealousy that sometimes we don't realize that the person we are zealous of may be wishing to have what someone else has. We've all caught another female staring at us and our response would be "What is she staring at?!" Not thinking that maybe you have something that she admires. Remember that someone may have something you'd kill for but there's always someone that would kill for what you have.
When you see a couple walking down the street, shopping together, or out on a date you think to yourself "They are so cute!", "I wish that was me", "One day that'll be me and my boyfriend." That is a taste of envy. Have you ever considered what she has been through to be blessed with the man that she has? Do you ever think that maybe they were friends first then built a relationship? (That's what some of us lack..making a friendship, a bond before a relationship.) Sometimes it may look like something you want but did you ever consider that just maybe she isn't as happy as she once was, or that she's content with the relationship, maybe she's even scared to let go and start over. The girl that's in a relationship that you wish you had, may wish she had a better relationship with another man. Of course we'd all love that romantic relationship in which we'd partake in dinner dates, movie outtings, take trips, encounter small romantic gestures, happily support your significant other, going to sleep and waking up next to one another, sharing your happiness with other people, etc and every one of us will get that opportunity. Some people find pure happiness faster than others while some are dealing with fabricated happiness. You've been in a relationship before so you know what it is like and you'll be in more relationships as you get older. You'll have a relationship one day that someone else will want.
What is "good" hair to you? Straight? Curly? Kinky? Wavy? Long? Short? Thick? Thin? Colored hair? Relaxed? Naturale? Everyone has their own perception and definition of good hair. Granted, some girls are born with hair that is easier to tame than others but that shouldn't make you feel as if you don't have an incredible texture of hair. You have to learn how to treat and maintain your hair. Many girls use protien treatments, hot oil treatments, organic products, vitamins, protective styles, and the list goes on. The key to having "good hair" is taking care of it. You may be admiring someone else's hair while someone is admiring yours. We've all seen girls with bodacious bodies. Plump rears, big breasts, luscious lips, smooth legs, tight stomach, and you've thought before how amazing their body looked, maybe even wished you had one of her physical attractions. Some women enhance their bodies and undergo surgery because they aren't satisfied. You may become insecure of yourself because you want the body of the girl you see with the bodacious ass, flat stomach, and a "nice rack" slightly forgetting that she once was diffident of herself. There isn't anything wrong with your body, you just desire more. No shade to anyone that has had surgery to enhance their bodies (no palm trees over here) but it's becoming rampant in which so many woman are starting to get their bodies done just to fit in. The girl that has a bad ass body probably looks at your body and admires that it is natural.
Don't lie, you scroll down your Instagram and see all the girls that get numerous likes and as petty as it sounds some girls envy that. Some women post pictures, get tons of likes, but have trouble finding one person to give them their undivided attention. Yes, she gets a lot of attention and posts daily.. Most likely to fulfill her own insecurities and the void of attention that she really wants but isn't receiving. Everyone enjoys the satisfaction of getting likes on Instagram, knowing that people are feeling compatible to their post. Exploiting your body for likes is degrading the woman you really are to man that actually takes interest in you. Likes on Instagram accumulates to popularity, that popularity is like Heroin in the 70,s -- it's addicting -- that addiction kills you, you're (hypothetically) killing yourself for likes. You see, the same girl capturing every moment and posting in abundance isn't living for herself anymore, she is also living for the likes of other people. It's intriguing to know people are watching and enjoying her life, it brings a satisfactory that she hasn't had before. Lavish pictures do not equal to a lavish life, most of the time it's about the moments, not the pictures. No doubt about it some people have the opportunity to work at their dream job or get to experience working at a job that pays great along with fantastic accommodations at an early age. While others have to work their way up the job chain in order to acquire the job they desire. You aren't at your peak yet but that doesn't mean that you won't ever make it. It takes times, hard work, and dedication to reach your level of success. You don't know how hard people work to get where they are at. Are you willing to put forth the same effort so you can be in a position where you can allow yourself to be somewhat comfortable. When you put in the work you receive great results.
Everyone has desires. Everyone has wishes. Everyone has dreams. Few make their dreams reality in a quicker manner while other have to learn the struggle in order to become successful. There will always be someone that possesses something that you may want wether it's material, a physical attraction, job position, relationship, so on and so forth. You may assume someone has a better life than you because they have that one thing you crave and don't realize that she would trade her shape for yours, her legs for your tight stomach, her relaxed/permed hair for your natural hair, her rowdiness for your mystifying character, her relationship for your independence. Women are always jealous of women who have their own flaws, once again failing to realize we all have flaws and things we don't own but would like to. Do not wallow in your flaws focusing on what you don't have and use that energy to feed your appetite to grind for what you want. You never know the fight someone is fighting or the fight someone has fought. Everyone has their own story on how they became who they are or how they got what they own and your still on your journey to finding yourself and getting your life in order. You should always be inspired by another's success or by what they possess, not envious. Just because they have it, doesn't mean you are restricted to it. Learn to empower instead of envy.